Lisa's interview: the best decision of her life
Lisa, 23 years old, shares her experience with many young girls with kinky hair. From beauty standards to the best decision of her life, she tells us all about her journey.
Wanting to please others
Throughout her middle school years, Lisa learned to manage her hair according to what she thought was "normal. She saw her friends, her Barbies, the representations in the media with straight hair and at no time were represented textured hair, kinky hair.
She therefore equated beauty with hair other than her own. Straightening her hair, plating it, hiding it was a way for her to be accepted, to be "like the others". And it's normal for a little girl to want to belong to a group and feel loved, but she was not herself...
The trigger: damaged hair
It was before she entered high school that Lisa began to see women with kinky hair talking more and more about their natural hair on social media. On YouTube, she discovered the best techniques for caring for textured hair and the best products to use.
At the same time, she saw her kinky hair getting damaged, broken, and very dry because of straightening and other chemicals and toxins. She began to resent the fact that she was making all these efforts and having all these constraints just to please others... It was then that something clicked!
She grabbed her mom's scissors and cut it all off. (Warning, we highly recommend making an appointment with a textured hair professional when you want to cut or do a big chop. If you don't know where to turn, send us a message on social media, we'll help you out 😉). So Lisa found herself with a haircut to make up for, an angry and scared mother at the same time, and a desire for change! Her mother, having been very afraid for her daughter, started buying her products to take care of her natural hair!
Step by step and thanks to dozens of YouTube girls, Lisa learned to take care of her frizzy hair, to pamper it and to love it. She wanted to share her experience on social networks to help all the little girls who, like her, had a hard time assuming their natural hair.
The best decision of her life
Today, Lisa sees her high school years as pure happiness, her first years in agreement with herself and her true hair nature. Today, she was able to test many natural brands before finding Les Secrets de Loly. Today, it is a pride to assume her kinky hair on a daily basis, to receive compliments but also questions to be able to advise and educate. It is a pride to show her parents that she honors her heritage and that she is happy with what nature gave her.
No more straightening at all, no more chemicals or products not suited to her natural kinky hair.
"Nature is well done because my texture is what suits me best".
The only question Lisa has today is: why she didn't do it before?