Interview Mélissa: textured hair, a great love story
Mélissa has been a trainer for more than 3 years at Les Secrets de Loly. His job is to advise the community and help professionals better understand textured hair and suitable products. If you have been following LSL for some time, you have probably already encountered Mélissa live on our Instagram . Very focused on nature, above all she loves traveling, surfing and hiking.
On the hair side, Mélissa has a double texture , she mainly has curly hair on her entire head and a frizzy texture at the back.
Her lifelong love of her hair
Mélissa explains that she has always loved her hair and its texture despite the mockery she has suffered and the looks of others. She never wanted to do straightening or wear wigs because she took full responsibility for her hair. Her mother always did her hair a lot when she was little and she loved it!
10 years ago, Mélissa used conventional products and her hair seemed healthy, but that was far from the case. Indeed, some unnatural ingredients like silicone can make hair look good on the surface but don't actually take care of it. She bought natural products for the very first time after seeing a video from a YouTuber.
She saw the result after many years because she never really used specific transition products like Tropical Detox . She tells us that if she had known about this product, she would have definitely used it to detoxify and purify her scalp and hair.
Self-confidence: a key step in self-acceptance
Before arriving at Secrets de Loly, Mélissa trained alone on the subject of hair and more specifically textured hair. When she arrived at LSL, Mélissa made it her vocation.
On a daily basis, she advises people who lack self-confidence, particularly due to the lack of representation of their textured hair. By helping people to have self-confidence or helping them take a step forward in their self-acceptance, Mélissa feels proud and this also strengthens her self-confidence. She emphasizes that it is even more rewarding when they are professionals like hairdressers: “You give them confidence in themselves and their abilities. Thanks to this, they have the weapons to translate this confidence into their customers.”
What does “My hair, my power” mean to you?
Beyond the products she believes in, Mélissa explains that the Secrets de Loly “My hair, my power” campaign is a real movement. This allows all people with textured hair to identify and feel represented. According to her, “representation is essential to find your place in society”. She later explains to us that she felt immense pride in front of the display of 'My hair, my power' in Beaugrenelle. Mélissa was moved by it and would have loved to see it as a child: “I would have felt strong and beautiful because your hair actually has the power to make you strong”.