Interview team LSL : Camille and its ongoing transition
At Les Secrets de Loly, Camille is in charge of sales administration and customer relations. She joined the team with her hair straightened as it had been for more than 10 years and began, not without difficulty, a hair transition. It's still going on, as getting out of almost 15 years of solid habits is no easy task! We tell you her story:
Conflicting 15-year relationship
From an early age Camille wanted hair like her school friends: straight and blonde. Between the negative remarks about her natural hair and the lack of people with curly hair around her, 12 years old marks the beginning of an era full of straightening, bleaching, colouring... Habits that she developed out of shame for her natural hair that she could not assume and maintain. For her, everything was easier with these habits: the look of others, the choice of products, the maintenance of her hair.
She spent 15 years of her life straightening and re-straightening her hair without question. Whether she was at work in France, travelling in Australia or on holiday at the beach, her hair always had to be flawless so as not to show her true hair nature.
1st step: social media and entourage
It was during 2020 that Camille decided to try to make her curls stand out. With the democratization of natural hair that has been developing for several years on social networks, she quickly realized that there were many curls but also different textures and that finally if other people could do it, why not her.
She then started to look more closely at the compositions, even without being a professional, she favours natural products and cosmetics that are good for her.
Her friends and family encouraged her and helped her through this difficult change after so many years. They reassure her about the beauty of her natural hair and make her feel that she can be just as pretty with her curls.
2nd step: arrival at LSL
At the same time, she saw a job opening at Les Secrets de Loly, a brand she knew by name and whose values she appreciated. The second her application was sent, her profile was selected. The LSL adventure began for Camille and her hope of assuming her hair grew more and more. Seeing her colleagues with various textures take charge of their hair made her want to feel beautiful with her curls in an environment where naturalness is advocated.
With discussions, adapted products and advice from people with similar textures, Camille began a real transition to natural hair with light products adapted to her regular straightening. Because taking care of your hair and going natural does not necessarily mean stopping straightening or colouring for good. It is first of all a process that takes time but also a mindset. You can use natural products and still like to change your head and blow-dry from time to time. You just have to remember to use even more moisture and nourishment to protect your hair fibre.
Thanks to Camille for sharing her journey with us, which we are sure will resonate with many of you. If you have any questions about your texture or transition routine, please feel free to contact our hair expert on Instagram for a personalized hair diagnosis.