Interview team LSL : Zarha & her acceptance of her coily hair
Zarha, Community Manager at Les Secrets de Loly, is a fan of social networks, beauty, fashion and travel. Joining the LSL team has only improved her relationship with her coily hair. Like many people with textured hair, she went through a lot of stages before saying she embraces and loves her hair! She tells you her story:
Caring environment but lack of representation
Since she was a child, Zarha has been raised to value each person. In her family, and more particularly on the side of her mother and her aunts to whom she is closest, there was no negativity around her hair. Her mother regularly told her that she had beautiful hair even though she categorized it as "difficult" because she didn't know or understand its texture. At first, she advocated self-confidence and confidence in her hair.
Then, when Zarha started to take care of her hair on her own, wanting to enhance it, she was teased. To that, she added the choice of bad products, the lack of representation in the French media and in her entourage. So she started to straighten her hair and then bleach it to be "like everyone else".
American influence to understand her texture
The YouTube influence quickly became an important part of her life, especially the American textured hair YouTube girls: their more democratized approach and the positive image they gave of textured hair helped her understand and love her hair more. She then started looking for products, tested techniques to fully embrace her hair and then decided to cut a big chop! Not a big chop but almost! This step allowed her to see the true nature of her hair and to discover new curls that she did not even suspect.
Self-confidence as a springboard
"Trust yourself because it's the only way to love yourself."
Zarha explained to me that the self-confidence she has been developing for many years has allowed her to accept herself physically, mentally, but also to assume the way she presents herself to the world. Criticism no longer has an effect on her because she has been able to detach herself from the way others perceive her.
Today, Zarha has some days without but a great majority of days with. She is proud to wear her curls every day, confident in the way they evolve and present themselves and happy to wake up every morning with her curls.
And LSL in all this?
Democratization, confidence and well-being
"Today, I'm happy to be a part of helping people with textured hair. Every day we answer to people eager for advice and if there was one piece of advice I could give it would be to do a health check of your hair, to understand it, take care of it and above all detach yourself from the pressure and all that we see on social networks? Because no hair is ugly by nature, you have to accept its texture, its frizz, its shifts in length, its density or its curls more or less relaxed.
At Les Secrets de Loly, we bring a democratization of our natural hair whether it is kinky, coily, curly or wavy, of women and men. We bring a voice of democratization for youth without the need to denature our hair and most importantly we bring confidence and well-being."