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La méthode du no-poo pour cheveux bouclés

The no-poo method for curly hair

Jeanne Roche

Coming straight from the United States, this technique which is associated today with the transition to naturalness intrigues many people, whether they have curly , kinky , wavy or coily hair ! And for good reason ! The no-poo, abbreviation of “No-Shampoo” consists in stopping washing with shampoos , natural or not, in order to protect your hair fiber and remove toxic components, surfactants, or simply washing bases that are sometimes too drying. . We tell you the story of no-poo and help you see more clearly if you want to get started!

The little story

The no-poo technique was not born of a conscious observation or a search for more naturalness on the part of clients. She is a young American hairdresser who was looking to save and take care of her clients' hair over the long term. Following (too) many attempts at new products, each more chemical than the next, she had the idea of ​​completely stopping shampoos on her clients to see how their hair reacted.

And, it's obvious, after a while, the hair seemed healthier, silkier and less damaged!

This technique has therefore evolved over the years and has now become a need for many people with wavy, curly, coily or kinky hair, to return to naturalness but also not to overload their hair with products , whether natural. or not.

Alternative to shampoos

All our shampoos contain a cleansing base which aims to remove toxins and residue from the hair. As natural as the composition of a shampoo may be, this cleansing base can dry out the hair if used too frequently. The objective of no-poo is therefore to avoid this overload and to gently cleanse the scalp in particular!

The hair root will therefore be better oxygenated and therefore better receive the right moisturizing and nourishing agents.

If you want to test alternatives to shampoos but aren't ready to stop completely, you have to do co-wash! This technique allows, from time to time, to clean your hair with a conditioner to clean it gently!

Stop shampooing: the steps

No-poo and co-wash

Space out your shampoos

The idea is not to stop shampooing all at once, that would be a bit brutal! You can absolutely start by reducing the number of your shampoos over a week by carrying out one or more co-wash. Gradually, your hair will get used to the lack of shampoo and your scalp will be better regulated .

Co-washes can be done either with the Pink Paradise, for dry and/or rather thick hair, or with the Cream Conditioner for finer hair looking for more lightness.

Find the alternative that suits you best

There are then several choices available to you when it comes to washing hair with the no-poo method . Whether your hair is frizzy, frizzy, wavy or curly, many techniques work for all textures!

The key ingredient of no-poo is clay : it purifies the scalp and soothes it thanks to various properties. But natural clay used alone will slightly dry out the hair

At Les Secrets de Loly, we have designed a purifying product based on white clay (with softening and purifying properties), the Tropical Detox, to meet this need for deep cleansing without shampoo but with a few extras: glycerin plant, agave syrup and linseed will hydrate the fiber and soften it against the often drying clay.

For very damaged hair, you can decide to cleanse your hair with a moisturizing mask directly to deeply hydrate it.

Adapt your routine

You therefore have several choices if you want to reduce or stop using shampoos, it's up to you to adapt your routine according to your current needs:
  • Perform co-wash between shampoos to gradually reduce
  • Apply white or green natural clay but you will need to make moisturizing masks to soften your hair fiber
  • Use the Tropical Detox as a cleansing treatment to purify and hydrate your hair. Cleaning once a week, no more!
  • The Repair Time, to intensely hydrate your dry fiber. We advise you to alternate it with clay, Tropical Detox or co-washes in order to remove toxins and accumulated residues.

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