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Interview @lesmillesetuneboucles : trouver l’équilibre de ses cheveux ondulés/bouclés

Interview @lesmillesetuneboucles: finding the right balance for your wavy/curly hair

Jeanne Roche

Laïal aka @lesmillesetuneboucles on Instagram and TikTok came to talk to us about her double-textured wavy and curly hair and especially about its evolution over the years. Advising people on social networks has become a vocation that she embraces alongside her work as a singer in the event industry. But that doesn't stop her from getting informed, questioning herself and making her hair routine and habits evolve!

Curiosity transformed into education

The first step of her hair construction was done via her family who transmitted her love of her natural hair. In the midst of her friends' circle where few people assumed her hair, she created her place by standing out from the crowd. She then started to take care of her curls with the products she had access to at the time.
She went through a period of doubt where straight hair took such a place in society that she didn't necessarily feel legitimate to keep her natural hair.

Then after years of straightening her hair, not as a trigger but rather as a long personal work, she started to be interested in natural hair by informing herself via blogs, Youtube videos and also social networks. It is a subject that became more and more interesting and essential for her. Her friends and family started to ask her for advice and help to understand their hair and the steps to take. That's when her community started! 

Today, thousands of people follow her and learn day after day, especially for her advice as a woman with a double texture sometimes difficult to understand: wavy and curly hair.

Her tips for wavy/curly hair 

Going through several stages in her hair history, she first discovered styling foams that gradually locked her hair in and prevented it from breathing. Then she started straightening her hair over several years. 

Finally, she found natural products, more respectful of her hair and the environment. Products that allowed her to rediscover her true texture step by step, without going through a radical transition. She did not make a transition over several months, nor did she have to make a big chop. She did not need to adapt to a new version of herself. Having always avoided damaging her hair too much, it was still pretty healthy.

One of the first products she discovered was the Boost Curl jelly, which she didn't need to pair with a leave-in because she didn't feel the need. Her hair had the moisture and reinforcement it needed. She insists that every routine can be different, even two people with the same texture will not necessarily need the same products because of their daily lives, the thickness of their hair or their porosity.

Today, Laïal limits the aggressions on her hair and tries to do only one refresh per week. As her hair has become healthier over the years, it does not need to be moisturized every day. With a few dabs of aloe vera to limit frizz and a serum to seal in the moisture, Laïal knows her fiber inside and out. 
One detox treatment per month, one protein treatment per month and her hair has never looked better!

Check out her Instagram and TikTok accounts for more tips! 

Her hair, her identity

In the midst of the #MyHairMyPower movement, Laïal is expressing relief for all people with textured hair. Thanks to this new campaign, wavy, curly, coily and kinky hair have easier access to products and more widely to a natural and assumed beauty! It encourages everyone to take responsibility for their own hair without judgment. Everyone is free to choose what they want to do with their hair, but thanks to a more liberated word, everyone can make this choice with full knowledge of the facts: adapted products, routines, gestures to be favored. There are no more secrets!

She never stops learning more about her own texture, which she feels evolves year after year with hormonal changes, differences in length, periods of stress, periods of joy...

Today, she is proud of her hair: "No one has the same curls as me, they represent my identity and a daily investment. It's rewarding and I'm proud of it!"